
Saturday, December 25, 2010

I'm Back!

It has been a long time I didn’t write anything in this blog. How to start? What to start? I totally don’t have ideas! Huhuhu! Hmm..Perhaps I can update my activities for the whole month of December 2010! Currently, I am in Kulim completing my Diploma in Education at MARA Academy, Jawi, Penang. It is scheduled to be over in August 2011. I really have a good mood today as I just got my result of Semester 1 Diploma in Education last night. I got 3.84 and I am indeed proud of myself as I really worked hard last year and my effort is paid handsomely!

Hmm...I don't know what to say anymore and perhaps later if I have other ideas I would fill this blog with more awesome stories! Till then, eat, drink and be merry!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Literature: The Fruitcake Special

Hi everybody!

This time I want to share nice lesson plans on The Fruitcake Special. I applied these in my class and they seem so helpful and fun.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Title: Memories 

        “Come on, Troy! Catch me if you can!” Annie ran as fast as a girl who suffered from leukaemia could. She did not mind the little pain she had to endure each time she took another step ahead. Annie turned back and stopped giggling gleefully when she realised that Troy’s voice was no longer heard.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

.T.e.a.c.h.i.n.g. C.o.n.t.i.n.u.o.u.s. W.r.i.t.i.n.g.


      How to teach continuous writing? These tips I get from a really experienced teacher and he is also the SPM chief examiner. Let's find out how to teach our valuable kids the correct methods of continuous writing! 

.C.o.n.s.p.i.r.a.c.y.O.f. L.a.n.g.u.a.g.e.W.e.e.k.

First and foremost, I don't want to talk about Language Week as overall. I just want to comment about DRAMA Competition. Was it just a conspiracy when the host did not invite adjudicators from nearby schools but just picked the judges randomly to adjudicate the dramas? I noticed that two of the judges were MRSM teachers and another two from HQ. For me, THIS IS NOT FAIR!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

.M.R.S.M. V.s. L.a.n.g.k.a.w.i.S.c.h.o.o.l.s.

Playing sport is my passion as I really enjoy playing all sports and after giving birth I feel like that I am not strong like I used to be in those days. My stamina sucks and I always feel tired after playing for 15 minutes especially netball. 


Check this out! New recipe that I tried last weekend. It's very simple and indeed suitable for those who are lazy like me! Huhuhu!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Standardised Test 3 Form 3 Semester 2 2010

This is the answer scheme for standardised test 3 semester 2 2010 form 3. Please revise and inform me if you have any comments because i'll appreciate it. Thanks everyone!

Friday, February 26, 2010

In the midst of hardship!

Hi all!

This is just my experience and my opinion on teaching new text of Form 4 literature, In the Midst of Hardship. The text is simpler than Sonnet 18, definitely. Hmm.. please have a look and comment if I don't interpret every stanza correctly. I really appreciate your comments! Thanks..

RM90 per year!

Hi all!

I've found a cool online tuition website called www.istudy.com.my. You just have to pay RM90.00 per year and you can revise all the 8 subjects for PMR candidates and 9 subjects for SPM candidates. For me, it's very worthwhile because if you go to outside tuition, you have to pay RM30-50 per subject. Furthermore, if you, parents are concern on your children's safety, do not hesitate to sign up for this remarkable online tuition. Your children will be in front of your eyes studying and you can monitor their achievement because this online tuition will also send your children's result through email! Can you imagine how good this website is!

So, do contact me if you are interested because there are 9 i-pins left. Bank in RM90 into my account and send me your details:

a) parent's full name

b) address

c) tel. no

d) your email address

e) your children's name

I will email you the login name and login password and log on to http://www.istudy.com.my/ and enjoy the benefits! Very simple and easy! If you have problem, you can email me or contact me!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Registration Form 1 and Form 4!


The registration of form 1 and form 4 today was okay. Everything was on a right track. Everything went smoothly as planned. I've got a new homeroom. Form 1! At first I was reluctant to accept form 1 students as my homeroom 'kids' because they are very young and I was afraid I couldn't handle them as they are still small and need extra attention from teachers. But, when I met them for the first time, they were all okay and most of them are Kelantanese.They are selected students because Langkawi will be PKA starting this year. (PKA stands for Program Khas Akademik. Actually it is similar to PKP; Program Khas Pendidikan..huhuhuh)

That's all for the news today! Till we meet again! Bye!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Maresmawians Batch 1999/2000 Info!


Two days ago, Pak Hasyim a.k.a Cikgu Hasyim, our Ketua Unit UPPM asked me to gather the information of my batch (1999/2000). He said that MARA wanted to update the system. Then, today, when we had Majlis Penutup for KIKA (Kemahiran Insaniah, Kemahiran Akademik) for Form 4 students, our beloved Mr. Principal, Tuan Haji Mahzan said that the ministry wanted the info because they couldn't see the function of MRSMs. They said that MRSMs did not produce good students that can contribute to the nation and country.

In my opinion, the statement made by ministry is ridiculous because the students produced by MRSMs are all the best among the best. We do contribute to the country and nation (eventhough some of us are working in other countries) :D So, stop envying us as 'MARA Kids' as many of us do have good jobs and survive well.

Till then, Maresmawians.. please comment! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Welcome to my territory!

Hi all!

Let me introduce myself for the first post. My name is 'Ainaa binti Abdul Rashid. I am an English teacher at MRSM Langkawi. This year, 2010, I am teaching Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4. This blog is created to share my ideas or opinions on lessons, teaching and learning process and etc. You are most welcomed to be my followers, to give comments and to share your ideas. I really appreciate it! Till then, enjoy reading!