Two days ago, Pak Hasyim a.k.a Cikgu Hasyim, our Ketua Unit UPPM asked me to gather the information of my batch (1999/2000). He said that MARA wanted to update the system. Then, today, when we had Majlis Penutup for KIKA (Kemahiran Insaniah, Kemahiran Akademik) for Form 4 students, our beloved Mr. Principal, Tuan Haji Mahzan said that the ministry wanted the info because they couldn't see the function of MRSMs. They said that MRSMs did not produce good students that can contribute to the nation and country.
In my opinion, the statement made by ministry is ridiculous because the students produced by MRSMs are all the best among the best. We do contribute to the country and nation (eventhough some of us are working in other countries) :D So, stop envying us as 'MARA Kids' as many of us do have good jobs and survive well.
Till then, Maresmawians.. please comment! Thanks!
Yah, couldn't agree more! It's not fair to say such things without facts. From what I know, obviously most of ex MRSM achieved high level jobs. So I just don’t understand when they labeled MRSM - such a waste! Cut the craps!
sy setuju!
bukan sume budak mrsm bijak.
ada yg blgk je lebeh. benci! :P
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