
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

.T.e.a.c.h.i.n.g. C.o.n.t.i.n.u.o.u.s. W.r.i.t.i.n.g.


      How to teach continuous writing? These tips I get from a really experienced teacher and he is also the SPM chief examiner. Let's find out how to teach our valuable kids the correct methods of continuous writing! 

What I do with my kids is first and foremost, I will distribute good sample essays written by their seniors and give them time to read and think about their own plot of story. Next, I will ask them to tell me their plot. They could combine the plot from the seniors' writing or they could come with their own plot or they could modify movies or any stories that they have watched or read before.

Once everyone has told their plot to you, ask them to write. I ask my kids to write maximum 4 pages and minimum 2 pages. (It's page not sheet. Ss easily get confused of this!) After everyone has finished writing, ask them to submit to you the essay. When you check the essay:

1. Introduction must be strong. Use catchy intro. (I will put some notes on catchy intro later)

2. Dialogue is a must especially narrative writing. (I only teach my kids narrative writing as narrative writing is the easiest to get high marks)

3. Arrangement of the dialogue. Refer to the novels. Tell our kids how the dialogues should be written.

4. Tenses. They might use all present tense for their story or past tense for their story. Do not mix tenses. Once the kids mix the tenses, their essays is in 'D' category.

5. Vocabulary is vital. Use wide vocabulary. Use Thesaurus if possible. Each one of them should have thesaurus or teachers can guide them on the vocabulary. 
Example: happy --> elated; sad --> distraught; important --> vital and so on.

6. Put some words of wisdoms or maybe a part of song lyrics to make it more interesting. 

7. Last but not least, teach them how to twist their story to suit with the titles given in the exam. It's whether they have to add a few lines for the beginning or a few lines for the ending or add a word for one-word topic essay.

It really takes time to teach continuous writing as I usually spend one month with my kids to teach them continuous writing. Next post, I'll include some of the best sample essays done by my students so that you will have a clear picture on how to teach your kids continuous writing. Till then, happy teaching!

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